Jesse Presse is an art book distributor that represents independent publishers within the Netherlands and Belgium.

Our mission is to bundle publishers of books on contemporary art, design, culture, photography, urban affairs, philosophy and more, and to make their works more accessible and readily available to bookshops, museums, project spaces and other resellers.

With a personal approach that stems from a love for printed matter and over 15 years of experience in the fields of contemporary art and books, Jesse Presse aims to create an environment that promotes possibilities for collaboration.

For booksellers:

If you are a bookseller and would like to stock our titles, please get in touch through email and we'll send you ordering information and terms.

Orders can also be placed by adding books to your 'request list' (bottom right) and sending it over to Jesse Presse. Orders are not final, in case of low stock you will be notified.

For publishers:

If you are a publisher and are interested in having your books represented by Jesse Presse, we would love to go over your proposal or portfolio. Our team is very small but we aim to reply you within 4 weeks.

Jesse Presse also offers these additional services:

— freelance editing, copy editing or proofreading
— freelance publishing and book project management
— national & international art book fairs
— distribution consultancy
— events and book launches

For information and quotes, please contact Jesse Muller through info(at)

Request List