
HumDrumPress is a publishing project that experiments towards publishing as a commons, both with their publication outputs and wider research into publishing as an expanded practice. Based in Rotterdam and Berlin, HumDrumPress produces collaboration-focussed publications, hosts public gatherings, and maintains a commons-based publishing model. HumDrumPress is co-led by Amy Gowen and Wibke Bramesfeld.


Co-published with Meteoro Editions
Convened by Michelle Teran, Ali Şahin, Kari Robertson, Pablo Lerma

Wor(l)ding: A Harvested Glossary for Social Justice in Arts Education and Beyond is a glos­sary of references harvested from discourses of equity, diversity, inclusivity, social justice, and social practices.

ISBN: 978-90-83423-12-8
336 pages, 90 x 150 mm
Published 2024, Retail price: € 15,00

The Colonial, Familiar, Nostalgic, Radical, Transformative Life of the Strawberry

By Marika Vandekraats

From rural English fruit-picking sites, to agricultural fields in Spain, to the sides of North American highways, the strawberry exists in many formations. Its multiple (his)stories—starting from its hybrid colonial roots, trace the many hands that have encountered this fruit on its journey into our mouths, its avid consumer.

ISBN: 978-90-83423-11-1
104 pages, 120 x 190 mm
Published 2024, Retail price: € 14,00


Co-published with Meteoro Editions

Utterances: Composing a Care-Informed Research Practice in the Cracks is a humble offering towards an alternative artistic research practice that is guided by an ethics of care.

60 pages, 110 x 150 mm
Published 2024, Retail price: € 12,00

Water Wareness

by Panta Rhei Collaborative

A multilayered publication that investigates how forms of water within our cities shape our urban environments, and affect our access to water as a common good in our daily inhabiting of the city.
A 3-part publication consisting of:
10-page leporello in 100mm x 210mm format
A6 postcard
A1 folded poster with postcards, wrapped in an A4 cover

Published 2024, Retail price: € 12,00

how to love many in many ways

by Engy Mohsen and Gabriel Hensche,
in collaboration with nine invited artists and researchers, this publication takes the form of a set of games and exercises that playfully challenge the way we see and practice love and with whom we share it.

52 pages, 210 x 297 mm
Published 2024, Retail price: € 12,00

Lumbung, Commons and Community Art

by Simon Kentgens and Florian Cramer

This publications takes its base from a radio conversation between Simon Kentgens and Florian Cramer, where they ruminated on their experiences as peripheral participants in documenta fifteen.

136 pages, 120 x 190 mm
Published 2023, Retail price: € 15,00

Qualities of Collective Learning

by Topsoil

Topsoil have created an inventory of qualities that characterize collective work based on their experience of the online exchanges and their subsequent mappings.

10 pages, leporello 100 x 297 mm
Published 2024, Retail price: € 10,00

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